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Azure IoTHub Connector


Protocol adapter for integrating Azure IoT Hub and Azure Blob Storage with Thingworx. The connector's nickname is AZX.

Key Capabilities

  • Ingest device-to-cloud (telemetry) data from Azure (Edge) Devices
  • Send cloud-to-device (c2d) data and invoke Direct Methods on Azure (Edge) Devices
  • Manage File Transfers with Azure Blob Storage containers
  • Azure Industrial IoT (IIoT) OPC UA integration (not covered in this document)


See also Class Diagram

  • The Thingworx Azure IoT Connector is a standalone Java executable.

    It is exposed on the platform as an AzureIotHubTemplate Thing. That entity holds the connector configurations and handles the interactions with it.

  • An Azure (edge) Device is defined in Thingworx as an AzureIotThing Thing. It is linked to the AzureIotHubTemplate Thing via the gatewayThing property.

    Ingress and Egress are exposed as user-defined Remote Properties and Services on the AzureIotThing Things.

    The routing of IoT Hub messages to and from Thingworx relies on the "same name" convention:

    Platform Azure IotHub
    Thing name = deviceId
    Remote Property name (Ingress) = Device-to-cloud (telemetry) message data name
    Remote Property name (Egress) = Cloud-to-device (c2d) message data name
    Remote Service name (Egress) = Direct method name

    For IoT Edge Devices, the remote services or properties must be defined using the format: moduleID::methodName ormoduleID::propertyName.

  • An Azure Storage Account is exposed in Thingworx as an AzureBlobStorageTemplate Thing. It is possible to register up to 2 Azure Storage Accounts. One (required) is used internally by the connector as a checkpoint store (eventProcessorHostBlobThing), and one (optional) for File storage (fileRepositoryBlobThing). It is not recommended to use the same Storage Account for both use cases.

    A blob storage container used for File storage is defined in Thingworx as AzureStorageContainerFileRepository Things. It implements FileRepository and behave as such.

  • The ConnectionServicesHub Thing holds helper services, primarily for device provisioning and job activities.


Device Provisioning

The ConnectionServicesHub holds services and events related to device provisioning and lifecycle.


  • CreateAzureIotDevice — Registers a new device in your Azure IoT Hub
  • DeleteAzureIotDevice — Removes the specified device from your Azure IoT Hub
  • ImportAzureIotDevices — Imports devices from an Azure IoT Hub into the platform as Things. The AzureThingImportStatusEvent is fired from the ConnectionServicesHub when the import has completed.


  • AzureThingLifecycleEvent — This event is fired after a lifecycle event occurs on a device in Azure IoT Hub. The event fields are:
    • deviceId: Azure IoT device identifier
    • status: Lifecycle status, such as deleteDeviceIdentity or createDeviceIdentity
    • twin: Value of the device twin at the time of creation or deletion. The Azure IoT Hub must be configured to route the Device Lifecycle Events to the endpoint consumed by the Connector (generally be enabled by default).


Device-to-cloud (telemetry) messages are exposed on the AzureIotThing Thing as Remote Properties.

Examples 1

{"messageId":0,"deviceId":"Devkit playground","temperature":"24.39","humidity":"77.84"}
The temperature reading can be exposed as a remote property named temperature of type NUMBER.

Examples 2

{"messageId":0,"deviceId":"Devkit playground","payload": {"temperature":"24.39","humidity":"77.84"}}
The temperature reading is nested and cannot directly be mapped to a Thingworx property. The payload can be exposed as a remote property named payload of type JSON. The temperature can subsequently be extracted from the payload property, for example from a DataChange subscription.


Cloud-to-device message

cloud-to-device (c2d) messages are exposed on the AzureIotThing Thing as Remote Properties.

Direct Method

Direct Methods (Device Methods) are exposed on the AzureIotThing Thing as Remote Services.

File Transfers

An Azure Blob Storage Container exposed in Thingworx as AzureStorageContainerFileRepository behaves like a normal (remote) FileRepository.

Device jobs

Quick Setup (Windows)

For testing only

  1. Pre-requisites
    • an Azure IoTHub
    • an Azure Storage Account with specific requirements:
      • Firewall is not supported
      • Hierarchical namespace, Blob soft delete, Versioning must be disabled on the Storage used for checkpointing
    • a Thingworx platform
  2. Download and extract the ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector archive from eSupport portal
  3. On the platform:
    • Create an Administrator appKey
    • Import the 2 extensions from <AZX>\extensions (ConnectionService first)
    • Create a Thing that implements the AzureBlobStorageTemplate Template and configure it for your Azure Storage Account
    • Create a Thing that implements the AzureIotHubTemplate Template and configure it for your Azure IoTHub
  4. On the connector:
    • Edit <AZX>\connector\bin\azure-iot.bat and add the following line after set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=...:
      set AZURE_IOT_OPTS=-Dconfig.file=%APP_HOME%\conf\azure-iot.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile=%APP_HOME%\conf\logback.xml -Dconfig.plaintext=true
    • Edit <AZX>\connector\conf\azure-iot.conf and update the following settings:
      • the appKey
      • cx-server.transport.websockets.platforms: the Thingworx WS endpoint URL
      • cx-server.protocol.hub-thing-name: the name of the AzureIotHubTemplate Thing created previously
    • Start the Connector with <AZX>\connector\bin\azure-iot.bat
  5. Testing:
    • Use the MXChip IoT DevKit Simulator > Get Started as Azure Device
    • From the Azure portal, create an Azure Device named MXCHIP_SIM (or use the CreateAzureIotDevice service on ConnectionServicesHub from Thingworx)
      • Get the device connection string from the Azure portal and set it on the simulator
      • Run the Simulator. The simulator telemetry messages have the following format:
        {"messageId":0,"deviceId":"Devkit playground","temperature":"23.72","humidity":"71.35"}
    • From Composer, create an AzureIotThing Thing named MXCHIP_SIM (or use the ImportAzureIotDevices service on ConnectionServicesHub)
      • Update the gatewayThing property to reference the AzureIotHubTemplate Thing
      • Create remote properties named temperature and humidity with type NUMBER
    • Verify that the temperature and humidity readings are updated on the MXCHIP_SIM Thing

See also Azure MXChip Development Kit Learning Path


Class Diagram

      hideEmptyMembersBox: true
  AzureBlobStorageTemplate .. AzureStorageContainerFileRepository:fileRepositoryBlobThing@AzureIotHubTemplate
  AzureIotHubAdapterServices <|-- ConnectionServicesHub
  AzureIotThing <|-- myAzureDevice
  AzureIotHubTemplate <|-- myAzureIotHub
  AzureStorageContainerFileRepository <|-- myAzureFileRepository
  AzureIotHubTemplate <-- AzureIotThing:gatewayThing
  myAzureIotHub <-- myAzureDevice:gatewayThing
  AzureBlobStorageTemplate <-- AzureIotHubTemplate:fileRepositoryBlobThing
  AzureBlobStorageTemplate <-- AzureIotHubTemplate:eventProcessorHostBlobThing
  style myAzureIotHub fill:#ffffc5
  style myAzureDevice fill:#ffffc5
  style myAzureFileRepository fill:#ffffc5
  classDef thing fill:#ffffc5
  class AzureIotHubTemplate{
    Azure IoTHub configs : Configuration
  class myAzureIotHub:::thing{
  class AzureIotHubAdapterServices{
  class ConnectionServicesHub{
  class AzureIotThing{
    twinDesired : JSON
    twinReported : JSON
    twinTags : JSON
  class myAzureDevice:::thing{
    myTelemetryData : RemoteProperty
    myc2dData : RemoteProperty
    myDeviceMethod() : RemoteService 
  class AzureBlobStorageTemplate{
    accountName : Configuration
    connectionString : Configuration
  class AzureStorageContainerFileRepository{
    containerName : Configuration
  class myAzureFileRepository:::thing{

External Resources